Large Art

Pool Time


Large Art

Tranquil Blue


Large Art

Red Scape


Original Big Art

Welcome to our art gallery for large commercial buildings! We specialize in providing high-quality, curated art collections for large commercial properties such as office buildings, hotels, and retail spaces. Our goal is to enhance the aesthetic and atmosphere of these spaces, while also promoting the work of emerging and established artists.

I’ve had the opportunity to see firsthand the impact that art can have on people’s lives. I’ve always been passionate about art and its ability to evoke emotion, inspire creativity, and bring people together.

Our team of experienced curators and art consultants works with clients to understand their specific needs and preferences, and then selects artworks that will complement and enhance their spaces. We offer a wide range of mediums, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, and mixed media, and work with a diverse group of artists from all over the world.

One of the unique aspects of our art gallery is our focus on large-scale, site-specific installations. We have the expertise and resources to commission and install large-scale works of art that are tailored to specific spaces, making them truly one-of-a-kind. These installations can be used to create focal points, add visual interest, or even divide spaces in a creative way.

In addition to our curated collections, we also offer leasing and rental options for businesses that want to rotate their art collections on a regular basis. This allows businesses to keep their spaces fresh and interesting, while also supporting different artists over time.

We understand that selecting art for large commercial spaces can be a daunting task. That’s why we also offer consultation services to help clients navigate the process of selecting, installing, and maintaining their art collections. Our team can help with everything from selecting the right pieces to coordinating installation and ongoing maintenance.

If you’re interested in enhancing the aesthetic and atmosphere of your commercial space with art, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to work with you to create a custom art collection that meets your specific needs and preferences.